
Pro zahraniční zájemce uvádíme programovou náplň v dalších jazycích

Cesky: _ / ._ / _ / _ _ _ // … / _ / ._. / ._ / _. / _._ / ._ // … / . // ._ _. / ._. / .. / ._ _. / ._. / ._ / …_ / .._ / ._ _ _ / . 

Americky: .._ / _. / _.. / . / ._. // _._. / _ _ _ / _. / … / _ / ._. / .._ / _._. / _ / .. / _ _ _ / _.  

Íránsky: Na Morseově abecedě pro Írán se pracuje. The Comittee prepares Morse ABC for Iran.

Záměrem kongresu je

Meeting of specialists with long term aims with dilletants with no aims with aim:
- to exchange freshest information on the field of Fish Parasitology
- to popularize this specialization among wide community

16:00     Beer and Peanuts
18:00     Official Beginning
18:10     Culex Pipiens - Jandr Kura
18:20     Psychoanalysis´s Parasitological Aspects - Phdr.Dr.Csc.Mhd. Miriam Krtoscek
18:30     University Education for Worms, Maggots and Grubs - Petrus Christosus
18:40     Hypnosis as a Cure and Aftercure Method - Ing. RaD. Ermitaz
18:50     Smallest however very popular Tiny Worms in Science - Emil Jednoduchy
19:00     The Undertapeworm Louselouse - Hugo Inter Milan
19:10     Homosexuality amongst Parazites - JVPK
19:20     Discussion in working groups
20:00     Whisky - Jim Beam & Johnnie Walker

Place - Horizont Saloon, Paintman´s Street 53, Yellow Hill, Brno.

All rights reserved.